Monday, June 04, 2012

26th TOPIK Results Announced

Hi Friends!

The results of 26th TOPIK have already been announced. you can check your TOPIK Test score by going to the following link:-

1) Select 26회  in the 회차 section.
2) Input your Test no. in 수험번호 section.
3) Input your Date of Birth in 생년월일 section.
4) Click 성적확인 button.

TOPIK GUIDE wishes you an excellent result.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

27th and 28th TOPIK

Click on the Images to Enlarge or Right Click and Save to your Computer

Friday, April 20, 2012

Download 26th TOPIK Papers with answers (초/중/고급)

26th TOPIK Beginner Level (한국어 능력 시험 제26회 초급)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

TOPIK Essay Writing Guide (쓰기 가이드)- Beginner Level- Part 2

In the previous post, we looked at the evaluation system of TOPIK essay section. If you remember I had left you with three model essays which were written by three different students in 25th TOPIK. Here in this post, we will see how the examiners evaluated and graded those papers. Analyze the evaluation charts properly and try to find why one essay got more marks than others. I hope it will help you make your TOPIK essay better and get some more marks. All the best...

Here is the essay question that came in beginner level off 25th TOPIK:
Q46. 다음을 읽고 150~300자로 글을 쓰십시오. (30점)
여러분은 누구를 만나고 싶습니까? 그 사람을 왜 만나고 싶습니까? 그 사람을
만나서 무엇을 하고 싶습니까? 여러분이 만나고 싶은 사람에 대해 쓰십시오.
Below is the first model essay: 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

TOPIK Essay Writing Guide (쓰기 가이드)- Beginner Level

The readers of TOPIK GUIDE have frequently been writing to me for some guidance on the Essay writing part of TOPIK 쓰기 section. So Here I am putting this detailed article about this.

Most of the questions in TOPIK are multiple choice and objective type where there is, clearly, only one correct answer. You don't even need a human being to check if the answers are right or wrong. Mostly OMR recognition softwares do the job.  The problem is with the subjective type questions. In these questions there is no 'one correct answer'. Different persons can give different answers and they all may be correct. Sometimes it is difficult to even say whether the answer is right or wrong because it may be partially right and partially wrong.
This type of questions generally appear in the Writing section of TOPIK. And believe me, these are not difficult only for you. Evaluating this type of questions is the most difficult task for Examiners. As these questions are evaluated by real human beings and not the machines, there are high chances of variation in evaluation process depending upon the personality and mental status of the evaluator. And that"s why it confuses the test takers on what and how to write the answer of such questions so that it look correct to the evaluator. Particularly, the Essay writing part is the most difficult of these subjective questions.